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[자바스크립트] 코드아카데미 문제풀이 Build "Rock, Paper, Scissors" (9/9)
2014. 7. 24. 17:26
[자바스크립트] 코드아카데미 문제풀이 Build "Rock, Paper, Scissors" (9/9)
Next Steps
1. 문제
Congratulations on making your awesome game! But now comes the best bit. You have the skills to build a game of your own design! Below are some ideas:
What if a user makes an inappropriate choice like 'dog'? How can we extend the function to handle that?
What if players in the game could also choose Rope in this game?
In this version, if both players make the same choice, the game returns a tie. What if the game didn't end there but instead asked both players for new choices? 원문링크
2. 풀이
새로운 요소를 추가하여 게임을 새롭게 응용해 보기를 권유하며 스테이지를 통과한 것을 축하해주는 페이지다.
3. 해답
다음과 같이 입력하면 통과합니다.
입력 불필요